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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:University of sexual assault refers to female college students as the goal, against their will, the use of violence, intimidation and through other means, such as tutor, the net love, career, or philandering behavior. Victims this violation of the female college students not only female college students physical and me是什么意思?

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University of sexual assault refers to female college students as the goal, against their will, the use of violence, intimidation and through other means, such as tutor, the net love, career, or philandering behavior. Victims this violation of the female college students not only female college students physical and me

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
大学的性攻击是指女大学生为目标,对他们的意志,使用暴力、恐吓和通过其他途径,如家教、净爱、职业、或男性外遇习以为常。 受害人的此种违反行为的女大学生不唯一的一位女大学生身心健康受到损害,而且还能使他们的个人尊严的侮辱,
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
性攻击大学提到女性大学生作为目标,反对他们的意志,对暴力,威逼的用途和通过其它方法,例如家庭教师,净爱、事业或者与女人调情的行为。 受害者这侵害女性大学生女性大学生物理和不仅精神损伤,而且能由侮辱做他们的个人尊严,
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
大学的性骚扰是指女大学生为目标,违背自己的意愿,使用暴力、 恐吓和通过其他途径,如导师、 网恋、 职业生涯中或玩弄女性的行为。受害女大学生这种违反行为不仅是女大学生学生身体和心理伤害,而且也可以使他们个人的尊严的侮辱,
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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