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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Glad to hear that you're on the market for stainless steel racks.We are specializing in the production of stainless steel products factory, we has been in this business for 10years.是什么意思?

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Glad to hear that you're on the market for stainless steel racks.We are specializing in the production of stainless steel products factory, we has been in this business for 10years.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
很高兴听到你在市场不锈钢衣架上。我们专业生产不锈钢制品厂,我们已经在这行干了 10 年。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
乐意听说你在不锈钢的市场上 racks.We 在专营不锈钢产品工厂的生产,我们为了 10years 在这商业中。

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