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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The in situ high-pressure FT-IR spectral analysis supported the facts including: (1)the formation and lifetime of the active Rh H species (2047 cm−1)derived from 1A are facilitated by the presence of ligand 1 dually featured with -acceptor ability and hemilability; (2) the transformation to the active Rh H species is 是什么意思?

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The in situ high-pressure FT-IR spectral analysis supported the facts including: (1)the formation and lifetime of the active Rh H species (2047 cm−1)derived from 1A are facilitated by the presence of ligand 1 dually featured with -acceptor ability and hemilability; (2) the transformation to the active Rh H species is

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
原位高压的FT-IR光谱分析支持的事实,包括: (1)活性的Rh ħ物种( 2047厘米-1)从图1A衍生是通过配体1的存在双重功能与便利的形成和寿命?
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
这, 那; 这些, 那些
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
在原处高压FT-IR光谱分析支持事实包括: (1)活跃Rh H种类的形成和终身 (从1A)获得的2047 cm−1由出现ligand促进1双重地以为特色与 -接受器能力和hemilability; (2) 变革到活跃Rh H种类被压下,不用杂种P, N-hemilabile结扎术援助例如在4A情况下; (3)从RhI acac获得的活跃Rh H(种类)(CO)( PPh3) 是相对地不稳定和易受不活泼的羰基跨接的Rh二聚体的形成。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
在原地高压傅立叶变换红外光谱分析支持的事实包括: (1) 的形成和活性的 Rh H 物种 (2047 cm − 1) 来自 1A 的一生由配体 1 存在双重特色-承兑人能力和 hemilability ; 促成(2) 转 Rh H 活性郁闷不借助混合 P、 N hemilabile 结扎如在 4A ;(3) 从 RhI(acac)(CO)(PPh3) 派生的 Rh H 活性是相对不稳定,容易受到处于非活动状态羰基桥 Rh-二聚体的形成。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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