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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:This work plan is intended to describe the constructive methodology to be adopted by Pavsolo Construtora as Project presented by SDEPCI Projetos e Construções do Brasil ltda and within the quality standards set in the invitation letter and in accordance with the estimated time for completion, determined at 130 (A hundr是什么意思?

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This work plan is intended to describe the constructive methodology to be adopted by Pavsolo Construtora as Project presented by SDEPCI Projetos e Construções do Brasil ltda and within the quality standards set in the invitation letter and in accordance with the estimated time for completion, determined at 130 (A hundr

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
这项工作计划旨在描述的建设性方法由Pavsolo Construtora采用为项目提出山东院Projetos Ë CONSTRUCOES巴西公司和内邀请函,并按照估计的时间完成的质量标准,在130确定
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
这项工作计划的目的是描述的建设性方法,可通过项目pavsolo construtora提出sdepci projetos E construções do Brasil合作社保险业联合会提供再保险,在质量标准中设置的邀请函和按照估计完成时间为,已确定为130(一百个0)天。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
这个工作计划意欲描述在质量标准之内将被采取的由Pavsolo Construtora,当项目提出由SDEPCI Projetos e Construções做巴西ltda和建设性的方法学被规定在邀请信和与估时符合为完成,被确定在130 (A一百和三十) 天。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
这一工作计划旨在描述的建设性的方法,由 Pavsolo Construtora 作为项目提出的 SDEPCI 项目 e Construções 做巴西富阳和内部质量标准设置在邀请函中并根据估计何时可以完成,在 130 (一百卅) 确定通过天。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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