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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:\'\'claim;any claims by the buyers regarding the goods shipped shall be filed within--days after its arrival at the port of destination specified in the relative bill of lading and supported by a survey report issued by a surveyor authorized by the sellers.\'\'是什么意思?

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\'\'claim;any claims by the buyers regarding the goods shipped shall be filed within--days after its arrival at the port of destination specified in the relative bill of lading and supported by a survey report issued by a surveyor authorized by the sellers.\'\'

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
\ '\'索赔;通过关于发货,应当向中货买家的任何索赔 - 天它的到来在提单的相关法案指定的目的港后,并支持通过授权的验船师出具的检验报告
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
\ ‘\ ‘要求; 由买家关于运输的物品将提出得所有要求内--几天,在它的到来在勘测报告的位置指定在相对提货单和支持的口岸由卖主之后批准的测量员发布了。\’ \ ‘
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
\'\'claim;any 买方对于装运货物的索赔应提交 — — 后日内抵达目的港的指定相对提单和支持由 sellers.\'\ 授权的公证机构出具的一份调查报告
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
\ ' \ ' 要求;由关于被发出的货物的买主所作的任何要求将被提起中 -- 在其目标的港的到达之后几天指定在相对提货单中和支持按被 sellers.\'\ 授权的一名检查员发布的一份调查报告 '

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