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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:By contrast the domaines of Rilly-la-Montagne (and Champagne more broadly) can be seen much more as part of a collective wine provision—the wine is that of the village, it is a product of the community.Perhaps more correctly, though, it is a product of the community’s heritage and not necessarily business-to-business c是什么意思?

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By contrast the domaines of Rilly-la-Montagne (and Champagne more broadly) can be seen much more as part of a collective wine provision—the wine is that of the village, it is a product of the community.Perhaps more correctly, though, it is a product of the community’s heritage and not necessarily business-to-business c

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
相比之下Rilly香格里拉 - 蒙塔涅(和香槟更广泛)的的Domaines可以看到更多的是一个集体的葡萄酒供应,酒部分是村里的,它是community.Perhaps的产品更正确,虽然
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
相比之下的 Rilly-拉-蒙塔涅烈 (和香槟更广泛地说) 可以更视为集体葡萄酒提供的一部分 — — 葡萄酒是村庄,它是社会的产物。也许更正确,不过,它是社区的文化遗产和不一定-商务合作的产物。在 Rilly-拉-蒙塔涅种植大多至少二代,和很多家庭一直久土地 — — 在某些情况下,自 16 世纪以来。这会产生两个结果的态度。首先,那里是管理的一般意义上;观念是普遍存在的土地和企业不是当前的一代人来浪费或滥用,但它需要虔诚对待 — — 东西继承从祖先,后代 (章程 & 梅尼瓦尔,2008年) 予以保护。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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