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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:But there is a hitch. Game theory, in its present strategic form, is a language in which one describes all possible strategic interactions. It demands very detailed information about what can happen, and this requirement is inconsistent with the uncertainty and bounded rationality assumptions of the New Institutional E是什么意思?

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But there is a hitch. Game theory, in its present strategic form, is a language in which one describes all possible strategic interactions. It demands very detailed information about what can happen, and this requirement is inconsistent with the uncertainty and bounded rationality assumptions of the New Institutional E

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
但是有一个悬挂架。 游戏理论,在其当前战略形式,是一种语言,其中的一个描述所有可能战略互动。 它要求非常详细的信息会发生什么,而这项规定是不一致的不确定性和假设的合理性楼宇的新制度经济学。
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
但出现了故障。博弈论,以其目前的战略形式,是一种语言,一个描述了所有可能的战略互动。它要求非常详细的信息会发生什么,和这一要求是不一致的不确定性和有界的新制度经济学的理性假设。因此,从严格的 neoinstitutionalist 的观点来看,博弈论在一般情况下,和 institution-as-an-equilibrium-of-a-game 视图尤其是,充其量,可作为一种比喻,非正式的思维方式,不是作为一个正式的模型。在这有限的意义上,我们可以说 (后 Greif2005,chap。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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