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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The Strange Stories are more artistically polished than the Weird Accounts. They are short works of fiction with fully developed plots and characterization. Some are romantic,some fantastical, some semi-historical, others are concerned with the exploits of magicians or Martial Arts adepts. These stories were first writ是什么意思?

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The Strange Stories are more artistically polished than the Weird Accounts. They are short works of fiction with fully developed plots and characterization. Some are romantic,some fantastical, some semi-historical, others are concerned with the exploits of magicians or Martial Arts adepts. These stories were first writ

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
奇怪的故事是艺术上更为抛光比怪异的帐户。他们是短表征与充分发展的情节虚构。有些是浪漫,一些幻想,有些半历史,其他人则担心与魔术师或武术修行者的事迹。这些故事第一次写在唐代 (618-907),更著名的诗歌,黄金时代但体裁继续在随后宋、 元 (I279-1368)、 明朝期间会受欢迎。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
陌生的故事更在艺术上被擦亮比怪异的帐户。他们是具完全被开发的谋划和性格化的小说的短的工作。一些是浪漫的,一些空想,一些半历史性,另外的与魔术师或武术老手的功勋有关。这些故事在特殊气味朝代期间首先被写 (618-907),更著名随着对于诗的一个黄金时代,但是类型继续在后续歌曲, I279-1368 的元和明朝代期间是受欢迎的。

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