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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Amazon, by far the largest bookseller in the country, reported on May 19 that it is now selling more books in its electronic Kindle format than in the old paper-and-ink format. That is remarkable, considering that the Kindle has only been around for four years. E-books now account for 14 percent of all book sales in th是什么意思?

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Amazon, by far the largest bookseller in the country, reported on May 19 that it is now selling more books in its electronic Kindle format than in the old paper-and-ink format. That is remarkable, considering that the Kindle has only been around for four years. E-books now account for 14 percent of all book sales in th

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
亚马孙,显然最大的卖书者在国家,报告关于5月19日它现在卖更多书在它电子点燃格式比以老纸和墨水格式。 那是卓越的,考虑点燃只四年。 E书在这个国家现在占所有售书的14%和快速地增加比整体上售书。 E书销售上升146%结束去年,而精装书销售增加了6%,并且平装书减少了8%。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
亚马逊,到目前为止,我国最大书商 5 月 19 日报道,它现在卖更多的书,在其电子的 Kindle 格式比旧的纸墨格式。这值得考虑,Kindle 只流传了四年。电子书现在占 14%的在这个国家的所有图书销售和越来越远快于整体图书销售。电子书的销量是增长了 146%过去一年,精装书销量增加 6%而平装书下降了 8%。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
亚马逊河,显然在 5 月 19 日被报告,它现在销售的国家的最大书商更多书在其电子点燃格式比在旧纸和墨水的格式中。那是不寻常的,考虑那点燃仅是大约四年来。电子读物如今在这个国家占所有书销售的 14% 和比总体书销售更迅速地在增加。电子读物销售在去年上是上升 146% 的,而精装本销售增强 6% 和平装本减少 8%。

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