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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:obtained by distillation of the flowers of the oil-bearing Rosa Damascena Will rose water is a natural tonic. soothes, moisturizes and refreshes the skin. Apply with a moistened swab or a wet compress是什么意思?

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obtained by distillation of the flowers of the oil-bearing Rosa Damascena Will rose water is a natural tonic. soothes, moisturizes and refreshes the skin. Apply with a moistened swab or a wet compress

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
以蒸馏法获得的鲜花的的油料的Rosa damascena将玫瑰水是一个天然补品。舒缓肌肤、滋润皮肤和刷新。 适用于一个蘸湿的棉签或湿压缩
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
由含油罗莎Damascena意志奉承话的花的蒸馏获得自然补剂。 安慰,润湿并且刷新皮肤。 申请与一个被弄湿的拖把或湿压缩
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
由干馏制将含油罗莎产大马士革玫瑰的花玫瑰水是天然的滋补品。舒缓、 滋润和刷新皮肤。用湿棉签或湿布敷应用
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
在含油的罗莎 Damascena 的花的蒸馏之前获得希望玫瑰水是一种天然的补药。安慰,增加水分和刷新皮肤。利用一被弄湿的 swab 或一块多雨的压布适用

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