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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:With the fall of sentiment and a weakening of the mind must be fought. Do not forget, difficult normal peasant not out of phase from the fact that he became a chick. Means for retaining the mood and psyche in an acceptable level of weight, take at least a TV and a psychotherapist. To strengthen the will and intellect, 是什么意思?

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With the fall of sentiment and a weakening of the mind must be fought. Do not forget, difficult normal peasant not out of phase from the fact that he became a chick. Means for retaining the mood and psyche in an acceptable level of weight, take at least a TV and a psychotherapist. To strengthen the will and intellect,

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
随着情绪和削弱了人的思想必须进行战斗。 不要忘记,农民很难正常的阶段,他成为一个鹰嘴。 意味着保留的心情和心灵的一个可接受的水平,至少需要一个电视和一个精神科医生 。 为加强将和智慧,您可以增加价值的情绪和心态和有害的影响将不具有破坏性。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
以情绪的秋天和减弱头脑必须战斗。 不要忘记,困难的正常农民不在阶段外面从事实他变成小鸡。 手段为保留心情和灵魂在重量的一个可接受水平,采取电视和至少心理治疗家。 要加强意志和智力,您增加心情的价值,并且头脑和恶性影响不会是如摧残。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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