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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Exposure of Cytotec tablets to ‘typical’ European levels of air and humidity results in significant time-dependent changes in physical and biological composition that could impact adversely upon clinical efficacy. Health professionals should be made aware of the degradation of misoprostol with inappropriate storage of 是什么意思?

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Exposure of Cytotec tablets to ‘typical’ European levels of air and humidity results in significant time-dependent changes in physical and biological composition that could impact adversely upon clinical efficacy. Health professionals should be made aware of the degradation of misoprostol with inappropriate storage of

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
曝光的cytotec粒“典型的欧洲水平的空气和湿度会导致大量的时间的变化依赖于物理和生物成分,可能会影响不利于临床疗效。 保健专业人员应意识到misoprostol退化与不适当的存储misoprostol粒。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
Cytotec片剂暴露对空气和湿气结果的`典型的’欧洲水平在重大的非定常变化在可能有害地冲击在临床效力的物理和生物构成上。 卫生业职员应该被制作明白misoprostol的退化以misoprostol片剂不适当的存贮。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
暴露的索前列醇片的空气和湿度的结果,在重大的变化时间依赖于可能产生不利影响临床疗效的物理和生物组成的 '典型' 欧洲的水平。卫生专业人员应知道的米索前列醇与米索前列醇片存放不当的退化。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
Cytotec 的暴露药片到 ' 典型 ' 欧洲水平的空气和湿气导致在可以不利地在临床功效上影响的物质和生物作品方面的重要时间相关的变化。健康专业人士应该被制作以 misoprostol 药片的不适当的存储意识到 misoprostol 的下降。

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