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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The man sitting opposite David asked him what time the train would arrive at Barning.David answered that it would arrive at 3:50 if they were lucky,thugh the time-table said it was due at three o'clock.The man asked David if he was sure of this.It seemed to him a very long time for such a short distance.David explained是什么意思?

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The man sitting opposite David asked him what time the train would arrive at Barning.David answered that it would arrive at 3:50 if they were lucky,thugh the time-table said it was due at three o'clock.The man asked David if he was sure of this.It seemed to him a very long time for such a short distance.David explained

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
该名男子坐在对面的大卫问他什么时候火车将到达Barning.David回答,它将到达3:50 ,如果他们是幸运的, thugh时表说,这是由于在三个o'clock.The人问大卫
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:23:18
这, 那; 这些, 那些
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:24:58
坐在大卫对面的人问他什么时候火车将到达在Barning.David回答说它将到达在3:50,如果他们是幸运的,时间表认为的thugh它是交付的在3点。如果他是肯定的此,人要求大卫。它似乎对他非常很长时间为这样一个短的距离。大卫解释了火车停止在每个驻地的帽子。Thetrain突然停止了以反射。人问发生什么。他认为以他们不会有Barning befoe午夜的率,大卫告诉他不担心。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
David 问他什么时候火车会在 Barning.David 回答说,如果他们是幸运的它将到达 3:50 到达却时间表说它的对面坐着的人在 3 上午。那个人问 David 是否他确信这一点。他似乎很短的距离很长时间。David 解释说火车停在每个车站的帽子。火车猛地停了下来。那人问发生了什么事。他感觉到的速度他们不会得到到 Barning 年前午夜,David 告诉他不要担心。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
使相反的大卫坐下的人问他几点火车会到达 Barning.David 回答那它会于 3 点 50 分到达如果他们是幸运的, thugh 时间表说它在 3 点预定的 o'clock.The 人问大卫如果他确定是的 this.It 对他来说好象这样一个短暂的 distance.David 的一段很长时间解释火车停在的帽子每 station.Thetrain 突然跟被问的一个 jerk.The 人一起停下来是 happening.He 的觉得在比率他们不会到达 Barning befoe 午夜,大卫告诉他不要使担心。

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