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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:One important aspect is that in the old factory many office staff came late to work as they were having breakfast in the canteen. We must stop this or issue warning letters to people who are always late to work. I do not want to install finger print scanners in the office but will have to if people abuse the working 是什么意思?

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One important aspect is that in the old factory many office staff came late to work as they were having breakfast in the canteen. We must stop this or issue warning letters to people who are always late to work. I do not want to install finger print scanners in the office but will have to if people abuse the working

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
其中一个重要的方面是,在许多的老厂办公室的工作人员来到了上班迟到,因为他们在早餐在一个食堂吃饭。 我们必须制止这种或发出警告信的人老是迟到。 我不想安装指纹扫描仪在办公室,但如果将人滥用工作小时。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
因为他们吃早餐在军用餐具,一个重要方面那在老工厂许多办公室工作人员晚了来工作。 我们必须停止人民谁的这或问题警告信件总是晚运作。 如果人们滥用工作时间,我在办公室不想要安装指印扫描器,而是将必须。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
一个重要的方面是,老厂区许多办公室工作人员上班迟到因为他们在食堂里吃早饭。 我们必须停止这或向那些总是迟到上班的人发出警告信。 我不想在办公室安装手指打印扫描仪,但如果人们滥用工作小时便会。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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