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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:They are highly versatile and can be applied in all types of concrete: cast in situ, precast and shotcrete. Can be applied both in new construction and in refurbishment jobs, protection and waterproofing. Can be added to concrete, sprayed onto fresh concrete on horizontal sur- faces or applied as paint over the harden 是什么意思?

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They are highly versatile and can be applied in all types of concrete: cast in situ, precast and shotcrete. Can be applied both in new construction and in refurbishment jobs, protection and waterproofing. Can be added to concrete, sprayed onto fresh concrete on horizontal sur- faces or applied as paint over the harden

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
他们都是具有高度的通用性,可用于所有类型的具体:领衔主演原地,混凝土预制件和喷浆混凝土方法。 可以应用在新的建筑和装修工程、保护和防水。 可以添加到具体,喷洒在新的具体水平SUR-面临或适用涂强化混凝土。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
他们是高度多才多艺的,并且可以被申请在混凝土的所有类型: 塑像在原处,已了造形和shotcrete。 能被申请在新建工程和在重新擦亮工作,保护和防水。 在水平的sur-面孔能增加到混凝土,被喷洒新鲜的混凝土或被应用当油漆硬化混凝土。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
他们是高度灵活和可应用于所有类型的混凝土: 演员在原地,预制和喷射混凝土。可以应用在新的建设和翻修工作,保护和防水。可以添加到混凝土,新拌混凝土水平 sur 脸上喷或硬化混凝土作为涂料应用。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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