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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Generally speaking, I always had previewed the text before the teacher taught it. Not only would I write down the explanations of the new words, but I would also finish the exercise all by myself. Sometimes it was difficult for me to translate Chinese into English correctly. But when I didn’t know how to translate the 是什么意思?

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Generally speaking, I always had previewed the text before the teacher taught it. Not only would I write down the explanations of the new words, but I would also finish the exercise all by myself. Sometimes it was difficult for me to translate Chinese into English correctly. But when I didn’t know how to translate the

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
一般来说,我一直的文本预览之前老师的教导。 这不仅将我写下它的解释新单词,但我亦想完成的工作都是我自己。 有时很难,我翻译成英文。 但当我不知道如何将该句的练习中,我想谈谈,字典的帮助而不是寻求的答案互联网。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
一般来说,在老师教了它之前,我总预览了文本。 我不仅会写下新的词的解释,但我由我自己也会完成锻炼全部。 有时正确地翻译汉语成英语我是难的。 但,当我在锻炼不会翻译句子,我会转向字典为帮助而不是寻找答复从互联网。 Besides, thanks to the morning reading, I could often learn the lesson thoroughly before the class. 坦率地,我仔细地听老师。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
一般来说,我总是有预习课文之前,老师教了它。不仅我会写下解释的新单词,我也将全部由我自己来完成练习。有时很难,我把中文翻译成英语正确。但当我不知道如何翻译这个句子在练习中的,我会求助于词典的帮助,而不是寻求从互联网上的答案。此外,由于早上读,我可以经常学课前彻底。 坦率地说,我仔细地听老师讲课。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
一般而言,我老师教它之前始终预览了文本。不仅仅会我将生词的解释写下来,但是我也通过我自己都会结束锻炼。有时令我难以正确地将中国人翻译成英语。但是当我没有知道如何在练习中翻译句子时,我为帮助会翻到字典,而非从 Internet 寻求答案。再说,多亏早晨的阅读,我可能经常在课之前彻底地汲取教训。 坦白地,我仔细地听老师。

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