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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:must conform to most recent revision of lexmark product environmental specification 1040000.prohibited substances include but are not limited to :pbb,pvc,chlorinated paraffins,certain pthalates,cadmium,hexavalent chromium,lead,and mercury unless otherwise noted in specification or specifed on the print.是什么意思?

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must conform to most recent revision of lexmark product environmental specification 1040000.prohibited substances include but are not limited to :pbb,pvc,chlorinated paraffins,certain pthalates,cadmium,hexavalent chromium,lead,and mercury unless otherwise noted in specification or specifed on the print.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
必须符合最新的Lexmark产品环境规范1040000.prohibited物质包括修订但不限于: PBB ,聚氯乙烯,氯化石蜡,某些pthalates ,镉,六价铬,铅和汞,除非在说明书中另有说明或specifed上
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
必须依照的lexmark产品多数最近修正环境规格1040000.prohibited物质包括,但没有被限制:pbb, pvc,氯化在印刷品除非另行通知涂石蜡,某些pthalates、镉、六价的铬、铅和水银在规格或specifed。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
必须符合最新修订的利盟产品环境规范 1040000.prohibited 物质包括但不是限于: 多溴联苯、 聚氯乙烯、 氯化 paraffins,某些 pthalates、 镉、 六价铬、 铅和汞除非另有说明在规范或在打印指定。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
必须符合 lexmark 产品的最新修订环境规格 1040000.prohibited 物质包括但是不是限于: pbb, pvc,氯化 paraffins,确定的 pthalates,镉,六价的铬,领导,水银除非否则注意在规格中或 specifed 在打印上。

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