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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:He most certainly did not create an economic miracle, his immediate predecessors did, right before the election that saw Erdogan's rise. He was just lucky to be in the big boy seat in time to reap the fruits of those reforms. He supplemented this by doing what he does best: selling off every industry and public good to是什么意思?

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He most certainly did not create an economic miracle, his immediate predecessors did, right before the election that saw Erdogan's rise. He was just lucky to be in the big boy seat in time to reap the fruits of those reforms. He supplemented this by doing what he does best: selling off every industry and public good to

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
他当然没有创建一个经济奇迹,其前任,选举前,埃尔多安的崛起。 他只是幸运,大男孩的座椅,以获得改革的成果。 他补充,做他做得最好:出售每一个行业和公共利益,以先到者为准政治盟友支持他最佳,而讨好,中东独裁者和富裕族长,甚至更为严重的违反人权记录,以支撑他失败的政策。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
He most certainly did not create an economic miracle, his immediate predecessors did, right before the election that saw Erdogan's rise. He was just lucky to be in the big boy seat in time to reap the fruits of those reforms. He supplemented this by doing what he does best: 廉价出售每产业和公共利益对政治盟友最好支持他,当讨
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
他最当然不创造了经济奇迹,他的前任了,右前上升了埃尔多安的选举。他只是运气好时间来收获这些改革的成果要在大男孩的座位上。他补充这做他最擅长: 卖掉每一个行业和社会公益对哪种政治盟友支持他最好的而奉承中东独裁者和富裕酋长甚至更糟糕的人权记录,来支撑他失败的政策。任何研究的土耳其经济,老实说,和玫瑰色的有色眼镜的人都可以告诉你,它是所有门面和泡沫将破裂尽快外资枯竭,没有更多的国家利益,拿去卖了。失业,收入不平等是所有猖獗,而通胀是错误地显示低通过会计花招。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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