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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:请An area of horticulture that flourished throughout the long history of Byzantium was that practiced by monasteries. Although archaeological evidence has provided limited evidence of monastic horticulture, a great deal can be learned by studying the foundation documents (τυπικόν, [[typikon]]) of the numerous Christian 是什么意思?

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请An area of horticulture that flourished throughout the long history of Byzantium was that practiced by monasteries. Although archaeological evidence has provided limited evidence of monastic horticulture, a great deal can be learned by studying the foundation documents (τυπικόν, [[typikon]]) of the numerous Christian

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
请每茂盛在Byzantium中的悠久的历史的领域的园艺是修道院实践的那。 虽然考古学的证据提供了修道院园艺的有限的证据,能通过学习基础文件τυπικόν非常 (学会, (())) 许多基督徒修道院的typikon并且描述他们从事园艺的活动的圣徒的传记。 From these sources we learn that monasteries maintained gardens outside their walls and watered them with complex irrigation systems fed by springs or rainwater. 这些庭院包含了葡萄园、
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
请An 地区的蓬勃发展在漫长的历史的拜占庭是园艺的身体力行的寺院。虽然考古证据提供了修道院园艺证据有限,但可以通过学习基础文件 (τυπικόν,[[typikon]]) 以及众多的基督教修道院的描述他们的园艺活动的圣徒传记学会大量。从这些来源我们学习寺院保持他们在城墙外的花园和浇水与美联储通过弹簧或雨水的复杂的灌溉系统。这些花园载葡萄园、 阔叶蔬菜和果树为生的僧侣和朝圣者的一致好评。僧侣作为项谦卑的行为经常承担园丁的作用。修道院的园艺做法,设立时,仍然是在使用中基督教修道院在整个希腊和中间的 East.输入您需要翻译的文本!
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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