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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:It is said that about 1 million people, one fifth of china’s population at the time, were forced to build the Wall. It took them more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions. They had to carry all the stones, bricks and lime up to the top of mountains by hand. The bricks and stones which were used to build是什么意思?

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It is said that about 1 million people, one fifth of china’s population at the time, were forced to build the Wall. It took them more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions. They had to carry all the stones, bricks and lime up to the top of mountains by hand. The bricks and stones which were used to build

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
这是说,约1万人,五分之一人口的中国时,他们被迫在建这座墙。 它参加了他们十多年,将其构建在恶劣的条件下。 他们还得把所有的石头、砖块和石灰的顶部用手山。 砖块和石头,建这座墙被认为是不足以建立一种高墙上五个memters memter厚和一个环绕地球。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
据说大约1百万人民,当时瓷的人口的五分之一,被迫使修筑墙壁。 需要他们超过十年在可怕的情况下修造。 他们必须运载所有石头,砖和用手撒石灰由山决定上面。 用于修筑墙壁的砖和石头认为是浓厚建立墙壁五memters高和一memter的足够在地球附近。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
据说,约 100 万人,当时,中国的人口五分之一的人被迫要修建隔离墙。他们花了超过十年打造在可怕的条件下。他们不得不用手携带所有石头、 砖块和石灰山山顶。砖块和石头被用来修建隔离墙据说是不足以建立高的墙上有五个 memters 和一个 memter 厚环绕地球。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
据说大约一百万人,瓷器的当时的人口的五分之一,被迫建造墙。带走他们在可怕的条件下建造它的多于十年。他们必须运送所有石头,砖块和石灰向上到山的顶部手动。用于建造墙的砖块和石头据信足够是为一堵墙建造五 memters 高和一 memter 在地球附近的拥挤。

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