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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:cr behaves somewhat like FE in that it is readily hydrolyzed to an insoluble hydroxide.In this form it is comparatively harmless as long as it remains immobilized.Because of its electronic configuration,compounds of cr tend to be chemically inert-that is,reactions such as exchange of ligands tend to be quiet slow是什么意思?

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cr behaves somewhat like FE in that it is readily hydrolyzed to an insoluble hydroxide.In this form it is comparatively harmless as long as it remains immobilized.Because of its electronic configuration,compounds of cr tend to be chemically inert-that is,reactions such as exchange of ligands tend to be quiet slow

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
河的行为有点像FE在于它容易被水解,以不溶性hydroxide.In这种形式是,只要相对无害,因为它仍然是其电子组态的immobilized.Because ,铬化合物往往是化学惰性的,也就是说,反应如
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
cr 的行为有点像铁,它容易水解成不溶性的氢氧化物。在此窗体中它是相对无害的只要它仍然固定化。由于它的电子构型,铬化合物往往具有化学惰性-那就是,配体交换反应往往要安静慢
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
cr 有点在那中像铁一样表现它欣然地是到一不能解决的 hydroxide.In 水解只要它仍然是其电子配置的 immobilized.Because, cr 的化合物有助于用化学方法是惰性那么的是比较无害的这种形式是,反应例如 ligands 的交换有助于是平静减缓

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