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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Three miles from Hoihow were the Kiungchow properties, across the street from each other. At one was the church, secondary school for boys, and missionary residences, while the other contained the secondary school for girls and a residence for single women missionaries who taught there. Each station had many outlying c是什么意思?

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Three miles from Hoihow were the Kiungchow properties, across the street from each other. At one was the church, secondary school for boys, and missionary residences, while the other contained the secondary school for girls and a residence for single women missionaries who taught there. Each station had many outlying c

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
三英哩从Hoihow是Kiungchow物产,横跨街道从彼此。 一致为男孩的教会、中学和传教士住所,而其他包含了为女孩的中学和一个住所为教得那里的唯一妇女传教士。 每个驻地有许多远离中心教堂和讲道的地方。 当Margaret到达了,二十四位传教士在海南担任,并且他们计数了大约一千个改变信仰者。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
Three miles from Hoihow were the Kiungchow properties, across the street from each other.At one was the church, secondary school for boys, and missionary residences, while the other contained the secondary school for girls and a residence for single women missionaries who taught there.Each station h
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
距 Hoihow 三英里是 Kiungchow 财产,彼此在对面大街上。在一个处是教堂,对于男孩,传教士的居住的高级中学,当另一个为在那里教书的独身女性传教士为女孩和居住控制高级中学时。每个站有很多题外的教堂和传教名次。玛格利特到达时,二十四名传教士在海南在服务,他们计算大约一千改变。

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