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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:in February 1915,an Australia gold-prospecting party found itself in trouble. the miners were in a particlarly barren span of desert and they were out of water .leaving 14-year-old willie hutchinson behind to tend camp,the men set out in search of water.hours later,they returned empty-handed.worse yet,young willie was 是什么意思?

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in February 1915,an Australia gold-prospecting party found itself in trouble. the miners were in a particlarly barren span of desert and they were out of water .leaving 14-year-old willie hutchinson behind to tend camp,the men set out in search of water.hours later,they returned empty-handed.worse yet,young willie was

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
在1915年2月,澳洲金子勘察的党发现了自己在麻烦。 矿工是在沙漠一个particlarly贫瘠间距,并且他们是出于后边趋向阵营的水.leaving 14年老威利hutchinson,人后开始寻找water.hours,他们退回空handed.worse,年轻威利是无处空手是。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
在 1915 年 2 月,澳大利亚矿方发现自己陷入困境。矿工们在短短 particlarly 贫瘠的沙漠,他们从水.leaving 14 岁威利 · 哈钦森后面倾向营地,男人以后,water.hours 踏上了他们返回空 handed.worse 然而,年轻的威利是无处可空手而归。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
在 1915 年 2 月中,一澳大利亚金色勘察的聚会发现本身陷入困境。矿工在沙漠的一段 particlarly 贫瘠的距离中和他们因为水 .leaving 14 岁的人威利哈钦森在后面照顾营地,人寻找 water.hours 过后,出发他们归来倒空-handed.worse 还,年轻的威利任何地方都不是是空手的。

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