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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:He weathered this crisis with the help of Queen Dowager Inwon, his stepmother. The Soron remained in power for the remainder of Kyongjong's reign, and Yongjo felt a constant threat, though he did not face anything as serious as the one in 1721.是什么意思?

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He weathered this crisis with the help of Queen Dowager Inwon, his stepmother. The Soron remained in power for the remainder of Kyongjong's reign, and Yongjo felt a constant threat, though he did not face anything as serious as the one in 1721.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
他渡过这个危机皇后太后Inwon ,他的继母的帮助。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
他安然度过了这场危机的帮助与慈禧太后inwon皇后,他继母。 soron的留在电源的剩余kyongjong的统治,yongjo认为经常性的威胁,但他没有遇到任何严重的一个,1721。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
他在孀居的王后Inwon,他的继母帮助下风化了这次危机。 Soron在力量保持为Kyongjong的王朝剩下的人,并且Yongjo感觉一个恒定的威胁,在1721年,虽然他没有面对什么一样严肃象那个。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
他安然度过这场危机的帮助下女王太后 Inwon,他的继母。有仍然在余下的 Kyongjong 的统治权力和 Yongjo 认为不断的威胁,虽然他并没有面临什么作为一个在 1721年一样严重。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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