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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Some people ask me whether they should construct a Faraday Cage in the bedroom in which you can sleep. Typical proposals consist of a copper sheeting all round the walls and ceiling which is very expensive, or a metallic coated material used as a cover for the bed. The latter is a more sensible and less costly option. I have developed such a material and in the course of doing so discovered that not many conventional metal threaded materials were any good. The windows can be protected by this sort of metallic mesh, which thereby still admits light and air.是什么意思?

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Some people ask me whether they should construct a Faraday Cage in the bedroom in which you can sleep. Typical proposals consist of a copper sheeting all round the walls and ceiling which is very expensive, or a metallic coated material used as a cover for the bed. The latter is a more sensible and less costly option. I have developed such a material and in the course of doing so discovered that not many conventional metal threaded materials were any good. The windows can be protected by this sort of metallic mesh, which thereby still admits light and air.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
有些人问我是否应构成的法拉第笼,你可以睡着的卧室里。典型的建议包括所有圆墙上的铜薄板和上限,是非常昂贵的或用作在床上盖的金属镀膜的材料。后者是一个更合理,成本更低的选项。我开发这种材料,这样做的过程中发现了不是很多传统金属螺纹的材料有益处。Windows 可以受这种金属网,从而仍承认光线和空气。

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