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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:In addition, following changes to rule 2a-7 (the regulatory framework governing registered money-market funds), portfolio managers are required to hold a minimum of 10% in overnight securities and 30% in securities that mature in seven days or less. With an average WAM of 40 days--which is well below historical WAMs--we believe our rated money-market funds are currently well positioned against potential declines in their NAVs as a result of rising interest rates.是什么意思?

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In addition, following changes to rule 2a-7 (the regulatory framework governing registered money-market funds), portfolio managers are required to hold a minimum of 10% in overnight securities and 30% in securities that mature in seven days or less. With an average WAM of 40 days--which is well below historical WAMs--we believe our rated money-market funds are currently well positioned against potential declines in their NAVs as a result of rising interest rates.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
此外,以下更改规则 2a-7 (规管架构理事注册的货币市场基金),管理人员必须持有最低的通宵证券的 10%和 30%的成熟在七天的证券或较少的投资组合。40 天

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