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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:3 in the tanks, the plan must not use the short way to check the fire power of the battery storage. Because in poorly ventilated small depot, and he often has to place tires, batteries, tarpaulins and other equipment, the gasoline spilled on the ground, draw a spark generated when the fire is likely to ignite the air molecules in the oil.是什么意思?

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3 in the tanks, the plan must not use the short way to check the fire power of the battery storage. Because in poorly ventilated small depot, and he often has to place tires, batteries, tarpaulins and other equipment, the gasoline spilled on the ground, draw a spark generated when the fire is likely to ignite the air molecules in the oil.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
3 缸内的,该计划不能使用短的方式来检查电池存储的火力。因为在差通风小仓库,和他时常发生轮胎、 电池、 篷布和其他设备,洒在地上,汽油绘制时火很可能点燃油中的空气分子产生的火花。

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