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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:4. Tanker of mopping the floor wrapped in chains allowed on the beam. Oil and other substances, when friction between an object and the other will also generate static electricity. Electrostatic arcing could ignite the fire of fuel. So in the tanks on the ground to the ground with, but also with a tanker grounded on a chain to prevent a static spark generated within the tank, this chain can not be easily wrapped around the beam frame, must be placed on the ground, and dragging lots of not less than 50 cm.是什么意思?

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4. Tanker of mopping the floor wrapped in chains allowed on the beam. Oil and other substances, when friction between an object and the other will also generate static electricity. Electrostatic arcing could ignite the fire of fuel. So in the tanks on the ground to the ground with, but also with a tanker grounded on a chain to prevent a static spark generated within the tank, this chain can not be easily wrapped around the beam frame, must be placed on the ground, and dragging lots of not less than 50 cm.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
4.艘油轮的拖地裹在横梁上允许的链。石油和其他物质,当对象与其他之间的摩擦也会产生静电。静电电弧可能点燃火的燃料。所以在地上,但也与接地,防止在罐内生成的静态火花链上的一艘油轮在地上坦克,此链可以不很容易缠梁框架,必须不少于 50 厘米的地面,并拖动地段上放置。

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