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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:乔纳森(David H.Jonassen)博士是美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学教授,美国教学设计领域著名专家。被认为是继加涅(Robert M.Gagn6)、梅瑞尔(David M.Merrill)之后美国教育技术学领域的第三代领军人物。乔纳森博士当前关注的主要领域之一是建构主义学习环境设计,《学会用技术解决问题:一个建构主义者的视角》是他在此研究领域的一本专著。作者在这本书里体现了以建构的方式而不是以记忆或获取的方式,鼓励孩子学会用技术解决问题,解决那些良构与劣构的问题,从而进行有意义的学习。今日,学习环境已经成为国际教学设计领域的主题词。小学生步入中学之后,环境发生了很大的变化。同学的面孔变生疏了,英语教师的面孔也变了,校园环境变了,英语教材的内容也变了。而初中英语教师往往忽视了上新教材前的衔接,也忽视了师生之间情感沟通的衔接,更忽视了小学生习惯行为的衔接。 小学生进入中学后,面临着一个全新的环境。他们对校园环境、师生环境和生生环境都感到陌生。例如,大部分初一学生对新教师的教学不适应,包括新教师的教学方法、板书、讲课时的声音、言谈举止等。小学英语教材基本上是图文并茂,讲究趣味性、直观性;而中学英语课文比较复杂,学生对此感到既好奇,又陌生,又不理解,以至于影响学生在英语课堂上的学习效果。是什么意思?

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乔纳森(David H.Jonassen)博士是美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学教授,美国教学设计领域著名专家。被认为是继加涅(Robert M.Gagn6)、梅瑞尔(David M.Merrill)之后美国教育技术学领域的第三代领军人物。乔纳森博士当前关注的主要领域之一是建构主义学习环境设计,《学会用技术解决问题:一个建构主义者的视角》是他在此研究领域的一本专著。作者在这本书里体现了以建构的方式而不是以记忆或获取的方式,鼓励孩子学会用技术解决问题,解决那些良构与劣构的问题,从而进行有意义的学习。今日,学习环境已经成为国际教学设计领域的主题词。小学生步入中学之后,环境发生了很大的变化。同学的面孔变生疏了,英语教师的面孔也变了,校园环境变了,英语教材的内容也变了。而初中英语教师往往忽视了上新教材前的衔接,也忽视了师生之间情感沟通的衔接,更忽视了小学生习惯行为的衔接。 小学生进入中学后,面临着一个全新的环境。他们对校园环境、师生环境和生生环境都感到陌生。例如,大部分初一学生对新教师的教学不适应,包括新教师的教学方法、板书、讲课时的声音、言谈举止等。小学英语教材基本上是图文并茂,讲究趣味性、直观性;而中学英语课文比较复杂,学生对此感到既好奇,又陌生,又不理解,以至于影响学生在英语课堂上的学习效果。

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
Jonathan (David H.Jonassen) Dr is a United States Professor at Pennsylvania State University, United States well-known experts in the field of instructional design. Are considered secondary Gagne (Robert M.Gagn6), m.d.Merrill (David M.Merrill) zhihou United States the third generation of leaders in the field of educational technology. Dr Jonathan is currently one of the main areas of concern is the design of constructivist learning environments, learning to use technology to solve problems: a constructivist perspective is a monograph of his field of study. Authors in this book reflect the construction rather than memory or gets in the way, encourage children to learn to use technology to solve problems, solve the problem of reconstruction of the Well-formedness and deterioration, thus for meaningful learning. Today, has become an international learning environment teaching design of theme words in the field. After pupils entering secondary school, has a lot of changes in the environment. Students face has turned rusty, faces change of English teachers, campus environment has changed, English textbook content is also changed. Middle School English teacher on the often overlooked and linking a new textbook, also ignoring the convergence of affective communication between teachers and students, more ignored the convergence of the customary behavior of pupils. After pupils entering secondary school, faced with a completely new environment. They are teachers and students on campus environment, environment, and life and the environment is unfamiliar. For example, most teaching of junior middle school students to new teachers not to adapt, including new teaching methods for teachers, writing on the Blackboard, lectures of sound, manners, etc. English textbooks for primary schools is basically illustrated with emphasis on fun, intuitive and middle school English class is more complex, students are curious, strange, without understanding that affect students in English learning in the classroom.

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