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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Tea is a kind of __1__. People often talk __2__ it. There __3__ different kinds of tea. It usually grows__4__ hills. Tea is popular in China. It’s also popular in many __5__ countries. In Southern China, people __6___ green tea. But in the North and East of China, people prefer(=like better) jasmine(茉莉) tea with sugar in it. __7__ people drink tea with both milk __8__ sugar. It’s good __9__ drink tea, because it is healthy. Now, let’s have a __10__ tea.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
Tea is a kind of __1__. People often talk __2__ it. There __3__ different kinds of tea. It usually grows__4__ hills. Tea is popular in China. It’s also popular in many __5__ countries. In Southern China, people __6___ green tea. But in the North and East of China, people prefer(=like better) jasmine(茉莉) tea with sugar in it. __7__ people drink tea with both milk __8__ sugar. It’s good __9__ drink tea, because it is healthy. Now, let’s have a __10__ tea.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
茶是一种 __1__。人们时常谈论 __2__ 它。那里 __3__ 不同种类的茶。它通常 grows__4__ 山。茶是在中国受欢迎的。它也是受欢迎的许多 __5__ 国家。我国南方人 __6___ 绿茶。但在北、 东的中国人更喜欢 (更喜欢 =) jasmine(茉莉) 茶中它加糖。__7__ 人喝这两种牛奶 __8__ 糖茶。它是好 __9__ 茶饮料,因为它是健康。现在,让我们有一种 __10__ 的茶。

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