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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:You may not have been ready before but now, I cannot stress how important these changes are for you and you cannot simply wait around. Not everyone gets a second opportunity Ding. I've know for sometime that you are 'praying for that break' and the fact that there is evidence ones again of major changes appearing in your sky now gives you options. I’m confident it will make your life comfortable and you'll know when all the problems will end. I know you will have questions! You know that all aspects of your life reflect on each other, so once you have a clearer picture from a more detailed analysis I will welcome the questions you have and we can discuss them together. If you want to be the one who opens yourself up to extraordinary circumstance then you must start by having everything you need to start building your future for you and your family.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
You may not have been ready before but now, I cannot stress how important these changes are for you and you cannot simply wait around. Not everyone gets a second opportunity Ding. I've know for sometime that you are 'praying for that break' and the fact that there is evidence ones again of major changes appearing in your sky now gives you options. I’m confident it will make your life comfortable and you'll know when all the problems will end. I know you will have questions! You know that all aspects of your life reflect on each other, so once you have a clearer picture from a more detailed analysis I will welcome the questions you have and we can discuss them together. If you want to be the one who opens yourself up to extraordinary circumstance then you must start by having everything you need to start building your future for you and your family.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
您可能还未准备好之前,但现在,我想强调,这些更改为您是多么重要和你不能只等着。不是每个人都获取丁的第二次机会。我已经知道某一天你 '祈祷,休息' 和事实证据的再次发生重大变化,现在出现在你的天空中为您提供选项。我相信它将使您的生活舒适,你就知道何时会结束所有的问题。我知道你会有问题 !你知道你的生活的所有方面都反映相互关联,所以一旦有清楚地了解更详细的分析,我将会欢迎问题从您和我们可以一起讨论他们。如果您想要将自己打开到特殊的情况的人你必须开始因你开始为你和你的家人构建你的未来所需要的一切。

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