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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:I want you to understand Ding, that there are no obstacles now and you deserve the very best in life. I am 500% committed to you now and normally what happens is that I will continue discovering more about you in the next few days as the connection from the outset has been so strong and I will start making notes. I felt your presences and aura around me, I want to give you all that I can as soon as I can. I said, I had to contact you before the end of the month because you need to have all the information by then. All the details are on the link which I've set up for you Ding on how to make changes about all the things I have spoken about above. I want you to be ready for the exciting period ahead and so I'm going to start putting your analyse together, it's such a great feeling to be telling you this and knowing that you life will soon be set. You just need to give me a few further details to understand your configuration and how your future is going to change during this period.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
I want you to understand Ding, that there are no obstacles now and you deserve the very best in life. I am 500% committed to you now and normally what happens is that I will continue discovering more about you in the next few days as the connection from the outset has been so strong and I will start making notes. I felt your presences and aura around me, I want to give you all that I can as soon as I can. I said, I had to contact you before the end of the month because you need to have all the information by then. All the details are on the link which I've set up for you Ding on how to make changes about all the things I have spoken about above. I want you to be ready for the exciting period ahead and so I'm going to start putting your analyse together, it's such a great feeling to be telling you this and knowing that you life will soon be set. You just need to give me a few further details to understand your configuration and how your future is going to change during this period.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
我希望你明白丁,现在有没有障碍,你应该得到最好的生活。我现在对你犯下的 500%,通常会发生什么情况是我会继续发现更多有关你在未来的几天中,从一开始就连接已如此强烈,我将开始做笔记。我感到你的存在和光环围绕着我,我想给你所有我可以我会尽快。我说,我不得不与您联系每月月底前,因为您需要有那时的所有信息。我已经为您设置丁如何更改了上面提到的所有东西的链接的详细信息。你要准备好今后令人兴奋的时期和下来开始把您一起分析,它是一种伟大的感觉告诉你这并知道你的生活很快就将被设置。您只需要给我几个进一步的详细信息,了解您的配置和你的未来将如何在这段期间更改。

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