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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Please note, there is a $15 associated fee for bank wires and only affiliates earning $1000+ in commission apply for bank wires. We highly suggest that affiliates switch to this payment method once they reach the threshold so they can quickly replenish their advertising campaigns. If you need a wire under the threshold a $50 fee will be applied and you must have written permission from Ryan Eagle and Savy Lam to apply. We reserve the right to deny a wire under the threshold.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
Please note, there is a $15 associated fee for bank wires and only affiliates earning $1000+ in commission apply for bank wires. We highly suggest that affiliates switch to this payment method once they reach the threshold so they can quickly replenish their advertising campaigns. If you need a wire under the threshold a $50 fee will be applied and you must have written permission from Ryan Eagle and Savy Lam to apply. We reserve the right to deny a wire under the threshold.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
请注意,有 15 元相关费用为银行电线和分支机构,赚取 $1000年 + 委员会申请银行电线。我们强烈建议子公司切换到这种付款方法,一旦他们达到阈值,所以他们可以快速补充其广告活动。如果您需要阈下的线将应用 50 元费用和你必须从瑞安鹰和新萨维林适用写权限。我们有权拒绝阈下的线。

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