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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Mercury will be in Leo and you may do quite well at presentations or teaching seminars. Mercury is the planet of communications and your ability to light up a room may be obvious to all who encounter you. With the moon and Saturn in your house of dialogue, you may be best served, though, if you strike a high road in what you say. If you try to focus on topics that serve the public in some manner, you will be well received.是什么意思?

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Mercury will be in Leo and you may do quite well at presentations or teaching seminars. Mercury is the planet of communications and your ability to light up a room may be obvious to all who encounter you. With the moon and Saturn in your house of dialogue, you may be best served, though, if you strike a high road in what you say. If you try to focus on topics that serve the public in some manner, you will be well received.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
汞将低地球轨道中,你可以做得很好在演示文稿或教学研讨会。 汞是通信的行星和你照亮空间的能力可能是有目共睹的遇上你... 月亮和土星在你家的对话中,您可以最好地满足,不过,如果你打中你所说的高道。 如果您尝试以某种方式服务市民的主题,你将会好评。

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