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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21


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2013-05-23 12:26:38
Why, also is no hope of tomorrow? today of I not know made what to has, wanted to, but what are cannot do. why? you left of that day, I for you tears, but, you what have know? I believe, you in heaven is see get of, but you also cannot then do what has. because you only forever forever of left, not then returned to. I of heart more wanted to chasing as you, that a Department West of local, you must will said, not can! but I really of is gravis, is helpless, why I even wanted to do of thing are cannot do, wanted to are cannot wanted to, this no soul of body, can like a cloud, free of fly, fly to real belonging to own of local---a called Discovery Park Le of local?

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