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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:You have made a cap for us (some time ago), for Bauhaus. There is a huge problem with the colour fastness. See attached pictures. The red fabric use for the panels and outside edge of the peak is totally not colour fast and has discoloured very quickly. This has not happened with the small piece of red fabric on the middle of the peak.是什么意思?

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You have made a cap for us (some time ago), for Bauhaus. There is a huge problem with the colour fastness. See attached pictures. The red fabric use for the panels and outside edge of the peak is totally not colour fast and has discoloured very quickly. This has not happened with the small piece of red fabric on the middle of the peak.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
您已经盖我们 (一些时间前),包豪斯。有的颜色牢度的一个大问题。请参阅附带的照片。红布使用面板和外部边缘的高峰期不完全是快速的颜色和已非常迅速地染上颜色。这不发生的红布小块中间的高峰期。

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