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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:This is a sunday morning of July Y2011, wake up very early, though we had a long long talk last night. Now she sleeps sound aside me, quiet and peaceful, beautiful and smiling. Like a angel, as a pure heart should be.是什么意思?

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This is a sunday morning of July Y2011, wake up very early, though we had a long long talk last night. Now she sleeps sound aside me, quiet and peaceful, beautiful and smiling. Like a angel, as a pure heart should be.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
这是 7 月周日早上 Y2011,醒得很早,虽然我们谈了很长时间长昨天晚上。现在她睡声音一边我安静、 和平、 美丽而又笑。像天使一样一颗纯净的心应该是。

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