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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:12.4. If We are required to enlist the assistance of an Attorney or other person to collect any liquidated damages or any other amount of money from You, or if We are required to seek the assistance of an Attorney to pursue injunctive relief against You, then You additionally agree that You will reimburse Us for all fees incurred in order to collect these liquidated damages or in order to seek injunctive relief from You. You understand that even a nominal amount of damages may require the expenditure of extensive legal fees, travel expenses, costs, and other amounts that may dwarf the liquidated damages themselves. You agree that You will pay all of these fees and costs.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
12.4. If We are required to enlist the assistance of an Attorney or other person to collect any liquidated damages or any other amount of money from You, or if We are required to seek the assistance of an Attorney to pursue injunctive relief against You, then You additionally agree that You will reimburse Us for all fees incurred in order to collect these liquidated damages or in order to seek injunctive relief from You. You understand that even a nominal amount of damages may require the expenditure of extensive legal fees, travel expenses, costs, and other amounts that may dwarf the liquidated damages themselves. You agree that You will pay all of these fees and costs.

  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:26:38
124.如果我们需要律师的协助或收集任何其他人清算损害赔偿或任何其他款项从你,如果我们需要求助律师继续针对你的禁令救济,然后你另外同意您将偿还我们的所有费用而都招致的命令收集这些违约金或寻求从你的禁令救济。你了解甚至损害赔偿的名义金额可能需要大量的法律费用的开支、 旅行费用、 成本和其他可能矮自己的违约金的数额。您同意您将支付所有的这些费用和成本。

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