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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:人大了,烦恼总是很多,而如今的我们慢慢长大,才发现人大了,那层友谊也开始淡了; 也许是因为人变了,也许是因为好多原因,没有了曾经的那粉共同语言。人就是这样。不管你们怎么看我,我们都是朋友了,兄弟了,多少年后,只需要在联系一回,只要说说那一句问候,不管在何地。 还有我哪个曾经的人 8是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
人大了,烦恼总是很多,而如今的我们慢慢长大,才发现人大了,那层友谊也开始淡了; 也许是因为人变了,也许是因为好多原因,没有了曾经的那粉共同语言。人就是这样。不管你们怎么看我,我们都是朋友了,兄弟了,多少年后,只需要在联系一回,只要说说那一句问候,不管在何地。 还有我哪个曾经的人 8

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
The national people's Congress, trouble is always a lot, and now we grow up slowly, only to find the people's Congress, the friendship begins to light up; probably because people have changed, perhaps because of many reasons, the powder has not had a common language. This is how people. No matter how you look at me, we are all friends, brothers, and after many years, just to be in contact once, as long as say a word of greeting, no matter where. There are people I which had 8

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