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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:However, should the result of the Trial Run indicate that the VESSEL or any part thereof including its equipment does not conform to the requirements of this Contract and Specifications, then the SELLERS shall investigate with the Supervisor the cause of failure and the proper steps shall be taken to remedy the same and shall make whatever corrections and alterations and/or re Trial Run or Runs as may be necessary without extra cost to the BUYERS, and upon notification by the SELLERS of completion of such alterations or corrections and/or re trial or re trials, the BUYERS shall, within six (6) business days thereafter, notify the SELLERS by telefax or telex confirmed in writing of its acceptance of its VESSEL or of the rejection of the VESSEL together with the reason therefore on the basis of the alterations and corrections and/or re trial or re trials by the SELLERS.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
However, should the result of the Trial Run indicate that the VESSEL or any part thereof including its equipment does not conform to the requirements of this Contract and Specifications, then the SELLERS shall investigate with the Supervisor the cause of failure and the proper steps shall be taken to remedy the same and shall make whatever corrections and alterations and/or re Trial Run or Runs as may be necessary without extra cost to the BUYERS, and upon notification by the SELLERS of completion of such alterations or corrections and/or re trial or re trials, the BUYERS shall, within six (6) business days thereafter, notify the SELLERS by telefax or telex confirmed in writing of its acceptance of its VESSEL or of the rejection of the VESSEL together with the reason therefore on the basis of the alterations and corrections and/or re trial or re trials by the SELLERS.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
不过,应试运行结果表明该船只或任何部分,包括其设备不符合要求此合同和规格,然后卖方须与主管调查失败的原因和适当的步骤,须采取补救相同和须作出的任何更正和改动和/或重新审判运行或作为运行可能需要无需支付额外费用给买家并通知后完成的这种变化或更正和/或重新审判或重新审判的卖家,买家须,日内六 (6) 业务之后,通知卖方通过传真或电传改建和更正的基础上和/或再卖家的试用版或重新审判因此接受其船只或被拒绝的原因一起船只的书面确认。

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