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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:13, see specifications. Car accessories buy coach, to identify the main technical parameters, use special technology to meet the requirements. Some counterfeit products look almost the same with the real thing, but put something up that is not appropriate, or large point or dot, not satisfied with them always, and to road safety and security.是什么意思?

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13, see specifications. Car accessories buy coach, to identify the main technical parameters, use special technology to meet the requirements. Some counterfeit products look almost the same with the real thing, but put something up that is not appropriate, or large point or dot, not satisfied with them always, and to road safety and security.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
13、 看规格。汽车配件买教练、 确定主要技术参数,使用特殊的技术以满足要求。一些假冒产品与真实的东西,看起来几乎相同,但把东西放起来就是不适当的或大的点或点,不满意,他们总是,并对道路安全与安全。

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