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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Weibo spreads fact and fiction alike, at warp speed. It has been used by top businessmen to personally announce their resignation ("Friends, relatives and colleagues, I am giving up everything and eloping with Wang Qin," the tycoon Wang Gongquan blogged in May) and meanwhile used by pseudo-scientists to allege that dam construction impacts the weather. Sometimes it's hard to separate the untrue from the merely unusual.是什么意思?

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Weibo spreads fact and fiction alike, at warp speed. It has been used by top businessmen to personally announce their resignation ("Friends, relatives and colleagues, I am giving up everything and eloping with Wang Qin," the tycoon Wang Gongquan blogged in May) and meanwhile used by pseudo-scientists to allege that dam construction impacts the weather. Sometimes it's hard to separate the untrue from the merely unusual.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
伟传播事实与虚构相似,经编的速度。它已被用于顶商人亲自宣布其辞职 ("朋友、 亲戚、 同事,我很放弃一切,与王秦私奔"大亨 5 月王功权博客) 和 pseudo-scientists 用于指称大坝施工影响天气的同时。有时很难分开不真实只是不寻常。

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