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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:But let's qualify: Weibo users only really have access to initially unfiltered information. Like all Chinese Internet companies, Sina, the company that owns and operates Weibo, must maintain its own in-house censorship staff. Part of what they do is routine: ensuring that topics that are clearly always sensitive (critiques of current party leadership; the Dalai Lama; etc.) do not become flashpoints. Part of what these censors do is respond to real-time government directives about discussion topics that have arisen suddenly and are deemed too sensitive, and so need to be contained. In such instances, through a combination of automated mechanisms (i.e., rendering certain search terms temporarily inoperable) and manually taking down content,the censors try to put the cat back in the bag, as it were. This is what happened in the case of the Jiang Zemin rumors.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
But let's qualify: Weibo users only really have access to initially unfiltered information. Like all Chinese Internet companies, Sina, the company that owns and operates Weibo, must maintain its own in-house censorship staff. Part of what they do is routine: ensuring that topics that are clearly always sensitive (critiques of current party leadership; the Dalai Lama; etc.) do not become flashpoints. Part of what these censors do is respond to real-time government directives about discussion topics that have arisen suddenly and are deemed too sensitive, and so need to be contained. In such instances, through a combination of automated mechanisms (i.e., rendering certain search terms temporarily inoperable) and manually taking down content,the censors try to put the cat back in the bag, as it were. This is what happened in the case of the Jiang Zemin rumors.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
但让我们来限定: 伟用户才有权访问最初未筛选信息。像所有的中国的互联网公司,新浪公司,拥有和经营伟,必须保持其自身内部审查工作人员。他们做的部分是常规: 确保该清楚始终是敏感的主题 (评论当前党的领导; 达赖喇嘛等) 不会成为热点。这些审查机构做的部分是回应有关讨论主题的突然出现,并被认为太敏感,实时政府指令,所以需要被包含。在这种情况下,通过自动机制的结合 (即呈现某些搜索条件暂时无法操作) 和手动考虑下内容,检查员试着把猫放回在袋里,像。这是小布什谣言的情况下发生了什么事。

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