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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:I hope you ladies are not too chilly there.Be glad it isn't winter or gould prodady teeeze your dit off.He He He.But don't worry,we'll warm you bitches up a bit late.wark my words,we'll have a hell of a time是什么意思?

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I hope you ladies are not too chilly there.Be glad it isn't winter or gould prodady teeeze your dit off.He He He.But don't worry,we'll warm you bitches up a bit late.wark my words,we'll have a hell of a time

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
我希望你的女士们有不太冷。很高兴您 dit 关闭不是冬天或古尔德 prodady teeeze。他他 He.But 别担心,我们会温暖你母犬位 late.wark 了我的话,我们会有一段时间的地狱

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