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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Wendy, sexy girl from very respectful and rich family, is bored. She awaits her piano lesson. So she lets her fingers roam on her body and quickly becomes very horny. Will you be able to control Wendys desires and movements until the arrival of her charming piano teacher? Wendy is a very sensual girl, but be careful! Nanny is watchful. Use YOUR MOUSE to find the good places to click to start Wendy actions. Hold LEFT MOUSE BUTTON down to continue the action.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
Wendy, sexy girl from very respectful and rich family, is bored. She awaits her piano lesson. So she lets her fingers roam on her body and quickly becomes very horny. Will you be able to control Wendys desires and movements until the arrival of her charming piano teacher? Wendy is a very sensual girl, but be careful! Nanny is watchful. Use YOUR MOUSE to find the good places to click to start Wendy actions. Hold LEFT MOUSE BUTTON down to continue the action.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
温迪,性感女郎从非常尊重和富裕的家庭,是无聊。她在等待着她的钢琴课。所以她让她的手指在她身上漫游,很快就变得非常角质。你能控制 Wendys 欲望和运动,直到她迷人的钢琴老师的到来吗?温迪是个很感性的女孩,但是要小心 !保姆是警惕的。使用你的鼠标来查找单击开始温迪操作的好地方。按住鼠标左键,继续操作。

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