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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:as soon as bills are issued I have to correct now because we did not load into container the amount of crab that we thought so I have to alter and when i have revised bill I will scan over to you to get confirmation that all ok and then we ask shipping line COSCO to issue original bills, once these have been issued I cannot alter unless it cost me a lot of money是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
as soon as bills are issued I have to correct now because we did not load into container the amount of crab that we thought so I have to alter and when i have revised bill I will scan over to you to get confirmation that all ok and then we ask shipping line COSCO to issue original bills, once these have been issued I cannot alter unless it cost me a lot of money

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
尽快发出帐单吗现在正确,因为我们没有加载到容器的我们以为我要改变,于是我已修订条例草案时我会通过扫描你去确认所有的确定,然后我们问轮船公司发行原始票据中, 远的蟹量一旦这些已发出我不能改变除非我花了很多钱

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