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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Hard work and concentrated effort are required at this time. If you are able to meet the demands placed on you now, you may be able to complete a task that has been hanging over your head for a long time, and you may receive recognition and appreciation from others. However, this is definitely a difficult, challenging time and these rewards will come only as the result of constant dedication to your work. Even with dedication and perseverance, the rewards may be meager compared to what you feel that you deserve.是什么意思?

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Hard work and concentrated effort are required at this time. If you are able to meet the demands placed on you now, you may be able to complete a task that has been hanging over your head for a long time, and you may receive recognition and appreciation from others. However, this is definitely a difficult, challenging time and these rewards will come only as the result of constant dedication to your work. Even with dedication and perseverance, the rewards may be meager compared to what you feel that you deserve.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38

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