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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Across China’s coastal areas, local governments have been increasing the minimum wage in recent years. Moreover, the Chinese government has been actively supporting pro-labor legislation and workers’ demands for better wages and rights. The 2007 labor law requires all employers to provide their laborers with a signed contract, regardless of the size of their workforce. Changes in government attitude toward workers’ rights, and the gradual increase in wages, are among the signs that China is ready to leave behind its legacy of low-wage capitalism.是什么意思?

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Across China’s coastal areas, local governments have been increasing the minimum wage in recent years. Moreover, the Chinese government has been actively supporting pro-labor legislation and workers’ demands for better wages and rights. The 2007 labor law requires all employers to provide their laborers with a signed contract, regardless of the size of their workforce. Changes in government attitude toward workers’ rights, and the gradual increase in wages, are among the signs that China is ready to leave behind its legacy of low-wage capitalism.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
在中国的沿海地区,地方政府有近年来增加最低工资。此外,中国政府一直积极支持 pro-labor 的立法和工人们的要求更好的工资和权利。2007 劳动法律规定所有雇主必须为他们的劳动者提供签署的合同,无论他们的劳动力大小。招牌工人的权利,政府态度的变化和逐步增加工资,是中国很愿意留下的低工资资本主义及其遗产。

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