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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The new direction has already forced many low-value-added exporters out of business. A study conducted before the global economic crisis predicted the bankruptcy of more than one-third of China’s exporters by 2009. The crisis and the decline in exports only aggravated the situation. Hoping to restore economic growth, Beijing temporarily resumed tax refunds for the old export-processing industries. However, the decision to revalue the renminbi, and the government’s tacit support for workers’ demands in recent weeks, indicate a resumption of China’s pre-crisis policies.是什么意思?

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The new direction has already forced many low-value-added exporters out of business. A study conducted before the global economic crisis predicted the bankruptcy of more than one-third of China’s exporters by 2009. The crisis and the decline in exports only aggravated the situation. Hoping to restore economic growth, Beijing temporarily resumed tax refunds for the old export-processing industries. However, the decision to revalue the renminbi, and the government’s tacit support for workers’ demands in recent weeks, indicate a resumption of China’s pre-crisis policies.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
新方向已迫使许多低附加值的出口商的业务。在全球经济危机的影响 2009 年预计超过三分之一的中国出口商破产之前进行研究。在危机和出口下降只雪上加霜。北京希望恢复经济增长,暂时恢复旧的出口加工行业的退税。然而,升值人民币与工人的需求在最近几个星期,政府的隐性支持决策指示恢复危机前中国的政策。

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