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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Tolerance, optimism and positive thinking can be the fruits of this relationship. The stars encourage you to go places and learn things together. Try not to make a big deal out of little things. You can develop each other's talent and skills. Just to be on the safe side, before you jump at each other's big ideas, double- check the facts and make sure there are no misrepresentations. Your efforts to find the right perspective will be rewarded.是什么意思?

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Tolerance, optimism and positive thinking can be the fruits of this relationship. The stars encourage you to go places and learn things together. Try not to make a big deal out of little things. You can develop each other's talent and skills. Just to be on the safe side, before you jump at each other's big ideas, double- check the facts and make sure there are no misrepresentations. Your efforts to find the right perspective will be rewarded.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
容忍、 乐观和积极的思想可以是这种关系的成果。星星鼓励你去放,一起学习的东西。尽量不要让小事情大了。您可以开发人才和技能。只是为了安全起见之前你跳大想法,,请核对事实,确保没有的歪曲。你找到正确的角度来看的努力将得到回报。

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